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Go hand in hand to create a better future!

With your joining, our tomorrow will be even more exciting!

a full range of products

The types of products provided by Jirong Elevator for passengers include passenger elevators, sightseeing elevators, villa elevators, medical elevators, cargo elevators, car elevators, escalators and moving walkways. The product range is complete and the styles are diverse, which can meet the needs of different customers.

First-class product quality

Jirong Elevator products are positioned at the high end, aiming at “China's good elevator” and aiming at “safe, reliable and energy-saving” products, and establish strategic partnerships with many well-known domestic and foreign manufacturers. The products are all equipped with domestic and foreign famous brands. Manufacturer's products, one by one for each part of the elevator, to ensure the quality of the whole machine.

Strong talent team

Jirong Elevator has more than 30% of all engineering and technical personnel, including senior professors, senior engineers, graduate students, undergraduates and other professional and technical personnel. The talented team of talented people, efficient and pragmatic work style, provide inexhaustible driving force for the innovation and development of Jirong Elevator.

Comprehensive technical support

Jirong Elevator provides agents with comprehensive technical support from elevator R&D, design, manufacturing and sales, assembly, repair and maintenance.

Flexible proxy mode

Based on the principle of equality and mutual benefit with agents, cooperation and win-win, Jirong Elevator has agreed on flexible agency methods with agents to promote the cooperation between the two parties and quickly get on the right track.